I am currently pursuing studies to become a Front-End Developer, I'd like to work with YOU!
Hi! My name is Lipécz Detre Platón. I am 18 years old and currently pursuing my studies to become a Front-End Developer. I enjoy creating visually appealing and functional websites and turning creative ideas into reality.
My current skill set for Web Development is listed on the right.
Worked with a team of five to design and implement a WordPress-based hostel booking and check-in website.
Started technical school, learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and Java as the main focus.
This project was developed as part of our Erasmus initiative, where we as a team of five collaborated to create a fully functional Booking and Check-In system within a span of two weeks.
A full chat application with Friends, Chatting w/ Reactions and Replying and tons of other features.
I'm actively seeking opportunities to expand my portfolio. Click here to collaborate!